JavaScript Tutorial - Table of contents

By Maria Antonietta Perna

  • Introduction
    A brief introduction to the tutorial and what you can expect to learn.
  • Lesson 1: What is JavaScript?
    Learn about JavaScript, who created it, what JavaScript can and cannot do.
  • Lesson2: Your First JavaScript
    Learn how to include JavaScript in your web page, how to use comments in your code, and write your first JavaScript script.
  • Lesson 3: Events
    In the previous lesson you encountered the onload event and used it to check whether JavaScript was working in your browser. Here you learn what events are, why they are important to control your web page behavior with JavaScript, and which core events to look out for in your scripts.
  • Lesson 4: Variables and Constants
    A JavaScript program is mostly about processing data. Variables and constants are the building blocks of programming. In this lesson you will learn how to create variables and constants to store and manipulate your data.
  • Lesson 5: Smarter Scripts with Operators
    Every program, even the simplest one, contains some logic. In this lesson you will learn how to use mathematical, logical, and comparison operators to give some intelligence to your web page.
  • Lesson 6: Even Smarter Scripts with if…else and switch
    We’ll be looking at how you can instruct your web page to make choices on the basis of some given condition.
  • Lesson 7: Leave Boring Repetitive Stuff to JavaScript with Loops
    Loops can repeat parts of a script. In this lesson, we look at loops such as while and for.
  • Lesson 8: Package your JavaScript Code with Functions
    In previous lessons you applied core programming concepts to make your web page behave as you wanted to. You also used JavaScript built-in functions such as alert() and document.write(). Now you will learn to create your own functions to better organize your code.
  • Lesson 9: A Gentle Introduction to Objects
    Modern programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, etc., all support a programming model called Object Oriented Programming (OOP). You’ve already used variables and constants to store your data; objects are just another way of storing data and of giving you more power to manipulate that data. You will be introduced to core JavaScript built-in objects in the following lessons.
  • Lesson 10: JavaScript Objects - Strings
    You’ve been using the string (text) object since the beginning of these lessons. Here for the first time you will learn how to exploit all its power as a JavaScript object.
  • Lesson 11: JavaScript Objects - Date Object
    Learn to use the Date object to work with dates and times dynamically. You will be able to get today’s date, learn how to set a specific date, and how to display the time on your web page.
  • Lesson 12: JavaScript Objects - Math Object
    Performing complex mathematical calculations with JavaScript is a breeze. You will be able to use the Math object to build a square root calculator application.
  • Lesson 13: JavaScript Objects - Arrays
    In this lesson, you will learn what an array is, how it is used, and what it can do.
  • Lesson 14: JavaScript Living Space - the Browser Environment
    Your JavaScript code comes alive in the context of a browser. Learn more about how the JavaScript language conceptualizes its own environment.
  • Lesson 15: Useful Tasks (I) – Setting and Retrieving Cookies
    At this point you're ready to explore how JavaScript performs some real world tasks. Here is how you can set and retrieve cookies, that is, small text files that store visitors’ preferences for personalization purposes.
  • Lesson 16: Useful Tasks (II) – Form Validation
    Our second real world task is so widely known that couldn’t have been overlooked. Learn how to ensure website visitors fill out your form correctly.
  • Lesson 17: JavaScript Timing Events
    In this lesson you will learn how to write JavaScript code that executes after a certain time interval. As a practical application of this technique, think about those nice photo galleries where a photo fades out as the next one fades in at specified time intervals.
  • Lesson 18: Making AJAX Calls
    AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is the buzzword of 21st century web applications, and JavaScript is a big player. In this lesson you learn how to make your web page behave smoothly and responsively just like a desktop application.
  • Lesson 19: Short Introduction to jQuery
    No JavaScript course could be complete without at least an introduction to the most widely used JavaScript library of our time, jQuery. Learn how to include jQuery in your projects and start using it to easily access elements and events in your web page.
  • Lesson 20: Cool Animation Effects with jQuery
    Learn how easy it is to add bells and whistles to your web page with jQuery.
  • Lesson 21: Easy AJAX Calls with jQuery
    In lesson 18 you learned to make AJAX calls the hard way. In this lesson you are going to perform the same task the jQuery way, that is, the fast and simple way.

Introduction >>